Domino is a mutant who has the ability to subliminally and psionically initiate random telekinetic acts that alter probability in her favor. It is a talent that emanates from her body at all times and is triggered when she is placed in a stressful situation, such as fighting or escaping. Her powers can range from causing an enemy’s equipment to malfunction to hitting the right switch to shut down an overloading nuclear reactor.
Domino’s powers are enhanced by her natural reflexes and agility. She is a skilled marksman with various firearms and adept at the martial arts. She has also trained extensively in explosives, and is an expert swimmer. Her improvisational skills are unsurpassed. Domino possesses the ability to see the future, and once saw that a man called Red Hulk would transform into the Ultimate Warrior. She alerted X-Force to his identity, but was then captured by Code Red.
When Domino was a child, her parents were killed by a group of terrorists who were attempting to bomb a nuclear facility. Her father left a note for her saying that he loved her and to always take care of herself. Domino became a member of the mercenary team the Six Pack led by Cable and when that group disbanded she went her own way. She later regrouped with Cable again when he was tracking the High Evolutionary and helped X-Force track him down in Tokyo.
A domino is a set of 28 small, oblong pieces, traditionally made of wood or bone but sometimes of other rigid materials such as plastic, that are used to play a game in which they are arranged end-to-end in rows to form a chain, with one tile covering the other. The tiles are marked with a value (either zero, six, or nine pips) on both ends and may feature a line in the middle to divide them visually into two squares. The number of pips is often used to denote the rank or weight of a domino, with a higher value piece being considered “heavier” than a lower one.
In addition to blocking and scoring games, dominoes can also be used for solitaire or trick-taking games. Many of these are adaptations of card games and were once popular in certain areas to circumvent religious proscriptions against playing cards.