The Basics of Blackjack Strategy


Blackjack is one of the most popular casino games. It requires the use of analytical thinking, composure, and tenacity to play effectively. Unlike other casino games, where the house has a statistical advantage that will play itself out over time, blackjack offers an element of player choice that can significantly reduce the house advantage to a small percentage. Using the correct strategy, players can decide when to hit and when to stand, as well as when it is appropriate to split or double down.

The objective of the game is to beat the dealer by having a higher, unbusted hand. If the player busts, he or she loses regardless of whether the dealer also busts. If the player has a higher hand than the dealer, but not 21 (or “blackjack”), the player wins. A pair of cards of the same value may be split up to two times; however, splitting aces is not allowed. The player must make a second wager equal to the original amount in order to continue playing the new hands.

When the dealer shows an ace, the player can place an insurance bet up to half his or her original wager. The dealer will then look at the hidden card, and if it is a 10, he or she will pay off the insurance bet (2 to 1) and then continue with the original deal. However, if the dealer does not have a 10, he or she will return all the insurance bets and the game continues as normal.

There are many side bets in blackjack, including insurance and doubling down after splitting. While these bets can increase a player’s winning chances, they should not be taken lightly. Some side bets are not offered at every table, and some have very specific rules. For example, some tables allow for early surrender, while others only offer late surrender.

In general, a player should hit on a hard 17 or more, and stand when the dealer has an ace showing. However, some players mistakenly believe that they should always hit on a soft 17. The truth is, the only good reason to hit a soft 17 is if you know that the dealer has a 10.

If a player does not have a hand of 21, but can beat the dealer’s without busting, he or she will win. If both the dealer and participant have a hand of 21, it is called a push, and neither party wins. In some casinos, if the dealer has a blackjack and the player does not, the dealer will offer even money for the player’s hand; however, this is a very bad idea because it reduces the odds of the player beating the dealer to nearly zero. In most other cases, the dealer will simply take the player’s original wager. In these cases, it is best to avoid taking the insurance bet altogether.