Domino’s – More Than Just a Game


When we think of the term domino, we may envision a set of small rectangular blocks used as gaming pieces that can be stacked and knocked over. But domino is so much more than a game; it’s a concept that can be applied to many areas of our lives.

The word “domino” is actually a Latin term that means “little one.” These little rectangular bricks can have many names, including bones, chips, men, or tiles. They are often found in children’s toys and can be arranged into lines or shapes to form pictures, a type of art called domino art. People who are very creative can also use them to make 3D structures like towers or pyramids.

Domino’s has become a household name due to their popular pizza delivery and restaurant chain. But the company is also known for its strong leadership and focus on listening to their customers. When the Detroit Free Press conducted a survey of Top Workplaces, Domino’s came in first place for their commitment to listening and implementing feedback.

In the game of domino, each player begins with a hand of dominoes. Typically, each domino has a number of pips or dots on its two faces. These pips indicate how many spots it has on each half of its face; a domino with two pips has one on each face, while a single domino with different numbers on each face is called a double. A player will normally begin the round by playing a double of the highest value in their hand. For example, if someone has a double six, they will play that and then proceed to the next highest domino in their hand, which would be a double five.

When playing a game of domino, each player must play all of the pieces in their hand before play passes to the next person. This ensures that all players are able to contribute to the game by placing their pieces in the correct position. The first player to play all of their pieces wins the round. The rules of domino vary, but most games are played with a double-twelve (91) or double-nine (55 tiles) set of dominoes.

One of the most exciting things about domino is watching a series of dominoes fall in a beautiful cascade. The first domino only needs to be tipped ever-so-slightly to send the rest of them crashing down in an effect known as the Domino Effect. Using the Domino Effect in your writing can help you build dramatic scenes that are sure to grab and hold readers’ attention.

The key to building a successful domino effect in your story is to carefully plan out your scenes and the order in which they occur. This will allow the characters and events in your story to flow together in a smooth, rhythmic way that will keep readers engaged. For example, if your story begins with a woman lying in bed in the middle of the night, you should plan out what she is going to do next. You should also consider how the action of one scene will affect the actions in the next scene.